Tuesday 12 August 2014

Alternative Diagnosis

Now is the time to appropriately challenge doctors in cases where psychologists have ethical concerns about the Emotional Wellbeing of the children with whom they work.

Lovely Poem written by Dave Traxon, member of the Division of Educational and Child Psychologists Committee of the British Psychological Society

Everyday children are being harmed by over-prescribing psychotropic drugs.

A child leaves alone.

Once clinicked,
Having been white coated
Or diagnosed all too quickly;
Milgrammed -
Not with higher voltage
But with a higher dosage,
Than any child should be given
At such a vulnerable growth stage,
As it interferes with their living…..
Their light diminished…..
Their soul extinguished…..
Their personality giving
In to someone else’s….
Model of conformity.

A child leaves alone.